Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Downtown Kalamazoo Arcadia Creek Festival Place
11:30am – 3:00pm (run/walk events begin at 2:00pm)
Join the Kalamazoo Area Runners Team in the fight against breast cancer! The Kalamazoo Area Runners is excited to once again be a part of the 2012 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. This year’s event will be held Sunday, May 20 from 11:30am – 3:00pm (run/walk events begin at 2:00) at the Arcadia Creek Festival Place in downtown Kalamazoo. Each year, the Kalamazoo Area Runners organizes a fundraising team to participate in the event and raise support for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. In addition, the event counts towards our 2012 Club Championship Series and participates in our Race Discount Program.
At least 75% of net funds raised by the affiliate through events such as Race for the Cure stay local and are used to fund breast cancer community grants in areas such as education, screening and treatment in the eight counties of Southwest Michigan.. The remaining 25% of net
funds goes directly to fund national breast cancer research studies and fellowship grants.
We encourage you to join Team Kalamazoo Area Runners and support this important cause by running, walking or donating with or on behalf of us. Our goal is to raise a minimum $1500 and recruit a minimum of 25 team members. Team Kalamazoo Area Runners t-shirts will be provided to the first 25 team members. You can join the team and/or donate via the Kalamazoo Area Runners Team Web Page
To join requires two easy steps.
- Register for the 2012 Race for the Cure,
donate and join the team via the Kalamazoo Area Runners Team Web Page - Email Bonnie Sexton at bonnie.sexton@kalamazooarearunners.org with your t-shirt size and be added to the email
For more information on joining Team KAR Pink, contact Bonnie Sexton at bonnie.sexton@kalamazooarearunners.org