Sunday, October 28, 2012 at 2:00pm
Event Day Registration and Check-In (1:30 – 2:00pm)
KVCC Texas Township Campus
About the Event
Join us for the Spooktacular Halloween Hash Run to be held at Kalamazoo Valley Community College Texas Township Campus on Sunday, October 28th. The fun begins at 2 pm (event day registration and check-in from 1:30 – 2:00pm) and will start in the parking area in front of the Advanced Technology Center Bldg (Southwest side of campus). There will be a best costume contest! The trail run distance will be approximately 4 miles (+/- ½ mile or so) through the haunted woods of Al Sabo Preserve for adults and approximately ½ mile through tamer wooded/grassy terrain for children 12 and under as they hunt for Halloween Treats. Children should be accompanied by an adult. Door prizes, refreshments and more. Please visit the KAR website (www.kalamazooarearunners.org) for additional information on this event.
Registration is $5 for the adult run, fee for the kids run. Please register via the link below.
Click here to register online for the 2012 Halloween Hash Run
For more information contact Dave Walch at 269.276.0431 or david.walch@kalamazooarearunners.org.
Have fun and earn 10 KAR volunteer points at the same time by helping out with the Halloween Hash Run. Volunteers are needed for:
- Event set-up (trails and registration area)
- Registration/Check-in
- Kids Run
- Refreshments
- Door Prizes
- Registration/Trail Tear down