Kalamazoo Area Runners Annual Membership Meeting, Picnic and Runner Recognition Awards Ceremony
September 29, 2020 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm – Texas Drive Park, 6603 Texas Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49009
The 2020 Annual Membership Meeting and Banquet has been transformed to a Picnic and will be held on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm at Texas Drive Park, 6603 Texas Drive Kalamazoo, MI 49009.
Click here for more information and to sign up
Pre-registration is required by 5:00pm the day of the event. There will be no onsite registration. Prior to attending the picnic, please read below for special requirements due to COVID-19.
We will be meeting in the Pavilion and surrounding grassy areas. Please bring lawn chairs as socially distanced seating is limited in the pavilion.
The evening will feature dinner from Blue Plate Food Truck, the Annual Membership Meeting and Election, the 2019 Runner Recognition Awards Presentation and a Door Prize Drawing. The menu includes a choice of Chicken or Pork Tacos and a side, Thai Noodle with Chicken or Vegan Thai Noodle and Cheesecake on a Stick for dessert.
Members who paid for the 2020 Annual Banquet and Membership Meeting originally scheduled for March will be automatically refunded. We plan to defer our keynote presentation by Josh Sanders to the 2021 Annual Banquet.
This event is FREE to members of Kalamazoo Area Runners (KAR) and $10 per person for Non-member guests. The event runs from 6:00 – 7:30 pm and the agenda is as follows:
- 6:00 – 6:30 Guest Arrival and Dinner Provided by Blue Plate Food Truck
- 6:30 – 6:45 Annual Membership Meeting and Election
- 6:45 – 7:15 2019 Runner Recognition Awards Presentation
- 7:15 – 7:30 Door Prize Drawing
As a reminder, we ask that all guests abide by the social distancing guidelines set by the CDC and the Executive Orders. Please bring a mask to the Annual Membership Meeting and Picnic and plan to wear it all times you are not seated and socially distanced. Guests should maintain six feet of distance between themselves and other attendees whenever they are not wearing a mask, including while eating. Participation numbers will be capped and event cancellation decisions may be made based on outdoor gathering sizes permissible by federal, state and local regulations as of the time of the picnic.
If you have had a sore throat, fever, a new uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, new onset of a severe headache or new loss of taste or smell, or have come in contact with someone who has COVID-19 in the last 14 days, please do not attend the event.
All Texas Township Park rules apply to the Annual Membership Meeting and Picnic –
- Alcoholic Beverages are prohibited unless permit is granted by the Township and State of Michigan. We do not have a permit for this event.
- Using tobacco and e-cigarette products is prohibited in Township Park
- Pets are allowed except in playground areas. Pets must be restrained on a 6-foot or retractable leash. People in charge of or in control of pets on park property must clean-up after pets.
For questions regarding the Annual Membership Meeting and Picnic, please email membership@kalamazooarearunners.org