Registration is now OPEN!!! The 2014 Kalamazoo Area Runners (KAR) Jack-O’-Lantern 5k and 10k Trail Run and Kids’ Pumpkin Patch Trick-or-Treat 1/2 mile and 1 mile Fun Run (children 12 and under) is an exclusive one-time showcase of the Bishops Bog Preserve and Eliason Nature Reserve in Portage Michigan. Both the 5k and 10k are capped at 300 participants each. The Jack-O-Lantern 5k and 10k Trail Run (October 25, 2014) is part of the Greater Kalamazoo Fall Trail Series with the Impact Trail Run (November 8, 2014) and the Kalamazoo Area Runners (KAR) Turkey Trot Time Predition Run (November 27, 2014). Finishers of the Series will receive a special award (applies to the 5k and/or10k).
The 10k Run is a flat, loop course (has a small out and back section along the paved trail along Portage Industrial Drive) of varied terrain that includes two parks, paved and natural wooded trails (some single track or footpaths), floating and stationary superdeck, fields and a small stretch of road. The course surfaces may include some or all of the following: uneven footing, water, mud, brush, downed trees and branches, tall grass, roots, stones and other naturally occuring obstructions and challenges. Due to increased risk of injury, runners must be at least 16 to participate in the 10k. The gentler 5k run is an out-and-back course of paved and natural trails with opposing runners on narrow trail. The course may also include uneven footing, mud, brush, tall grass, roots, stones and other obstructions naturally occuring in a trail run. Due to the terrain, narrow course, and varied surfaces, no bicycles, dogs, strollers or cross country spikes are permitted in the 5k or 10k events. The Kids’ Pumpkin Patch Trick-or-Treat Fun Run is a one (1/2 mile) or two loops (1 mile) around the upper athletic fields and sports complex of South Westnedge Park.
Event Dates and Times
All events will be held Saturday, October 25, 2014 at South Westnedge Park, 9010 S Westnedge Ave, Portage, Michigan. The Kids’ Pumpkin Patch Trick-or-Treat Run starts at 3:30pm in the upper athletic fields. The 10k Run starts at 4:00pm and the 5k Run starts at 5:30pm. Runners may participate in the 5k, 10k or both.
The cost is $15 to participate in either the 5k or 10k, or $20 for both (no shirt), and $20 each (no shirt) for late/race-day registration or $25 for both. KAR Members receive a $5 discount upon using the four-digit KAR discount code.
Late/Race-day Registration and Packet Pickup will begin at 2:30pm on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at South Westnedge Park, and will continue until 30 minutes prior to each scheduled race. Late/race-day registration will not be held for each respective event that attains its cap of 300 prior to online registration close. Long sleeve technical shirts may be purchased for an additional $20 to those who preregister by October 16, 2014.
There is no cap for the Kids’ Pumpkin Patch Trick-or-Treat 1/2 mile and 1 mile runs and these are FREE of charge to the community. Runners may also make additional cash donations online through this registration. Proceeds from registrations and additional online donations will support the Jack-O’-Lantern 5k & 10k Trail Run, Kids’ Pumpkin Path Run and the Kalamazoo Area Runners (KAR). Please visit the KAR website (www.kalamazooarearunners.org) for additional information on this event.
Awards to the overall male and female open, masters, grand masters and senior grand masters winners, five year age divisions and for the 5 best costumes each for adults and kids.
More than 100 volunteers are needed for the Jack-O’-Lantern 5k and 10k Trail Run and Kids’ Pumpkin Patch Trick-or-Treat Run.
We are currently seeking sponsors for the 2014 Jack0O’-Lantern 5k and 10k Trail Run and Kids’ Pumpkin Patch Trick-or-Treat Run.
For more information on registration, participation, volunteering or sponsorships, visit www.karjackolanterntrailrun.wordpress.com.