Calhoun County Trailway Alliance Grand Opening
Fun Run
Presented by Kalamazoo Area Runners in Battle Creek
June 6th, 2015
2:00 pm at Kimball Pines County Park
1150 E. Michigan Ave, Battle Creek, MI
(Check in and Late Registration 1:30-2:00 pm)
Free of Charge
KAR in BC is joining with the Calhoun County Trailway Alliance to celebrate the Grand Opening of their newest trailway. Join us for a beautiful and fun out and back run that highlights the beauty of the new trail system during the opening events. The event will begin and end at Kimball Pines COunty Park, located at 1150 E. Michigan Avenue, Battle Creek, MI. 49015. Due to the nature of this run, participants will be able to choose their desired distance up to 5 miles. We will have several different pace and distance leaders taking you out to explore the trail. This event is a pat of the grand opening ceremonies for the trailway. The opening ceremonies for the Grand Opening event will begin at 1pm The fun run will start at 2pm. Other family friendly events that day will include kid’s games, bounce house, bike rides, disc golf demos, nature walks and more! For more information on the Grand Opening events visit www.facebook.com/calhouncountytrailwayalliance.
Registration is required. For more information contact Nikki Elder at nikki.elder@kalamazooarearunners.org or Matt Santner at matt.santner@kalamazooarearunners.org
Register Here!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We need a few volunteers for various jobs including manning a water station, helping with set-up and registration, and leading run groups. Please contact Nikki Elder at nikki.elder@kalamazooarearunners.org if you can help out.