Registration is now OPEN for the 2012 Kalamazoo Area Runners Fast Track 5k Training Program! Is your goal to run a first 5k? How about to incorporate speed work or optimize performance? Kalamazoo Area Runners (KAR) is pleased to
introduce the Fast Track 5k training program offering three levels of track workouts designed to meet your individual goals whether beginner or experienced runner. Led by experienced KAR coaches and using proven training methodologies, the program targets the September 15, 2012 Peacock Strut 5k and includes training schedules, individual guidance, training clinics, structured Tuesday track workouts and more. Sessions are held at the
Portage Northern HS Track (1000 Idaho, Portage, MI) Track at 6:30 pm Tuesday nights and run 10 weeks from July 10 – September 11, 2012.
Learn more at the program orientation and apparel clinic scheduled for Tuesday, June 26, 2012 from 7:00 – 8:00pm at the Kalamazoo Gazelle Sports store.
Program Levels include:
- Fast Track I (Beginner Walk to Run) – Fast Track to Running – Geared towards
transitioning the new runner from walking to running. - Fast Track II (Introduction to Speedwork) – Fast Track to Speed Work. Geared towards
transitioning a runner who has some 5k/running experience and looking to
increase performance, but is new to track workouts and is looking for a lower
mileage program (under 20 miles/week). - Fast Track III (Competitive Speedwork) – Fast Track to maximum performance – Geared
towards competitive runners with 5k racing and track workout experience who are
seeking optimal performance and a higher mileage program (20 + miles week).
More information and program registration can be found at www.karfasttrack.wordpress.com.
Please contact Bonnie Sexton at bonnie.sexton@kalamazooarearunners.org regarding the Fast Track II & III program, and Katie Conor at katie.conor@kalamazooarearunners.org regarding the Fast Track I program.
Volunteer Coach-in-Training Opportunities
Kalamazoo Area Runners has a volunteer coach-in-training opportunity for the Fast Track II & III program (introduction to/competitive speed work) and possibly for the Fast Track I beginner program. Please contact Bonnie Sexton at bonnie.sexton@kalamazooarearunners.org
for more information and a job description.