Join us for a community tradition! Registration for the 34th Annual Kalamazoo Klassic is now OPEN! The Kids’ Klassic and Pump n’ Run lift is
Friday, June 15, 2012, and the 5k and 10k events are on Saturday June 16, 2012. New this year, we are opening up the Kids’ Klassic to ages 15 and under and in addition to the single loop 1k, have introduced a “double loop” 2k for older children who wish to run a longer distance.
KAR members receive a $5 discount and have the opportunity to earn Club Series points for participating in one or both events. The 10k run serves as the RRCA Regional 10k Championship and the 5k run the RRCA State 5k Championship. For more information and registration, visit www.kalamazooklassic.org.
200 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We need to fill more than 200 volunteer positions to make the Kalamazoo Klassic a success. There are many opportunities available Friday night and even Saturday morning which will still allow runners to participate in the event. Invite your family, friends, colleagues to participate in the excitement by volunteering. Members of Kalamazoo Area Runners receive volunteer points. Check out the many opportunities and sign-up online at Kalamazoo Klassic Volunteer Registration.
Please email Bonnie Sexton at bonnie.sexton@kalamazooarearunners.org for questions regarding volunteering for the event.
The Kalamazoo Klassic is organized in partnership by Kalamazoo Area Runners and MRC Industries, Inc. Proceeds benefit MRC, a local non-profit organization whose mission is to provide support and encouragement to individuals living with a disability to achieve their fullest potential through employment, skill building and active community involvement.