As Summer approaches, are you seeking to run your first 5k, step up to the next 5k or 10k level, begin a speed work program or optimize your 5k or 10k performance?
Registration is now OPEN for the 2019 Kalamazoo Area Runners Fast Track 5k and 10k Training Program in Kalamazoo!!!
Program Information
Fast Track runs 10 weeks from Tuesday, July 9, 2019 through Tuesday, September 10, 2019 and prepares runners for the Peacock Strut 5k & 10k scheduled for Saturday, September 14, 2019.
Sessions are conducted at 6:30 pm Tuesday evenings (optional clinics at 6:00pm) at WMU Kanley Track.
Information Night
Join us for our no obligation Information Night and Running Footwear Clinic on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 6:30pm at Gazelle Sports (Kalamazoo)!
Program Levels
The Fast Track 5k and 10K training program offers four levels of workouts designed to meet your goals whether beginner or experienced runner. Led by trained KAR coaches, the program includes training schedules, individual guidance, clinics and structured Tuesday track workouts. Program Levels are as follows:
- Fast Track I (Beginner Walk to Run 5k Program) – Fast Track to running – Geared towards transitioning the new runner from walking to running and completion of a first 5k.
- Fast Track II (Step Up 5k & 10k Program) – Fast Track to the next Step – Step up to the next level through our own custom designed program incorporating light fartlek (speed-play) and a gradual mileage build-up. Geared towards runners who have mastered their first 5k, and are ready to go the next level in training for the 5k distance, or to build up mileage to run their first 10k. (under 20 miles/week)
- Fast Track III (Introduction to Speedwork 5k & 10k Program) – Fast track to speed work. Geared towards transitioning a runner who has some 5k and/or 10k running experience, but is new to track workouts and is looking for a lower mileage program (under 25 miles/week).
- Fast Track IV (Competitive Speedwork 5k & 10k Program) – Fast Track to maximum performance – Geared towards competitive runners with 5k and/or 10k racing and track workout experience who are seeking optimal performance and/or a higher mileage program (25 + miles week).
Program is $35 to Members of the KAR through July 5, 2019. Price increases to $45 July 6 – July 31. Optional short sleeve Fast Track technical shirts are available for an additional charge of $20 through June 23rd. Participants must join KAR (new members) or renew (existing members) prior to registering for the program.
Click here for more information and registration
Wonderful experience! The Kalamazoo Area Runners Fast Track Program was just what I was looking for in a training program. The experience helped to launch me into the running community. All of the coaches were knowledgeable and informative and really tried their best to make sure participants were prepared to meet the program and personal goals. -MaleekaThis was my first KAR experience and I had an awesome time learning about speed work and challenging myself while getting to know others. My coach Jay pushed me to work toward my goal time each week and made running in the heat, rain, and humidity so much fun. I noticed a difference in my times as well as my beliefs about myself as a runner. Everyone was so positive and encouraging. I mentally pushed past the idea that I would always be a “slow runner” and could not get quicker, now working on putting some of that speed work to use as I train for a distance run/half marathon. Already looking forward to the next Fast Track season! Thanks KAR and all of the great coaches!!! – Kari
This program is amazing! I started with a 5k, and then after two sessions, decided to go for a 10k. I felt respected and valued, even though I am one of the slowest runners. Anyone who is considering getting back into running should take a look at this program! – Sheri
Like many new runners, I never thought that I could enjoy running, but the Fast Track program, with its incremental training, helped me to feel confident and even excited about reaching new goals. The coaches were phenomenal-encouraging, engaging and fun. The tips I learned can be applied to more activities than just running. Excellent program! – Theresa
We look forward to running with you this summer!