Join us for an annual Kalamazoo Area Runners/Battle Creek Road Runners Tradition – The Run Around Gull Lake. This 11.5 mile run (those doing shorter distances can opt to do an out and back) will follow the scenic course around the lake.
The November 2 and December 7, 2019 runs are back at the Kellogg Biological Station, 3700 East Gull Lake Drive, Hickory Corners, MI 49060. The runs will begin at 8:00 a.m. with doors opening at 7:30 a.m. Meet in the McCray Hall Dining Room. View a map of the Kellogg Biological Station.
NEW FOR 2019: Participants have the option to sign up for breakfast following the run. The full hot breakfast menu includes: Fresh yogurt cups and fruit; assorted danish and pastries; bagels with cream cheese and jams; hot oatmeal; Kellogg’s cereals; bacon and sausage; scrambled eggs; hash browns; pancakes with syrup; coffee, hot tea, and assorted juices. There is a $15.00 fee for the breakfast. Deadline to sign up for the breakfast is Tuesday, Oct. 29 for the November 2 run and Tuesday, Dec. 2 for the December 7 run.
Register online at https://runsignup.com/Race/MI/HickoryCorners/RunAroundGullLake or download the paper registration.
Contact Michael Hutchinson at michael.hutchinson@kalamazooarearunners.org for more information or with any questions.