When: 10 AM, Saturday, June 9 Through 10 AM, Sunday, June 10
Where: Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds and Expo Center
Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature fundraising event. Money raised goes toward the following:
- Promoting cancer awareness.
- Supporting cancer patients through their treatments
- Funding research to find a cure.
Kalamazoo Area Runners is organizing a fundraising team and would like to invite you to join us in supporting the fight against cancer. The first twenty members that sign up will receive a “Team Kalamazoo Area Runners” T-shirt. Your relay entry fee counts towards our team total.
The relay will start at 10 AM on Saturday, June 9 and run until 10 AM on Sunday June 10. We will try to keep a team member walking or running laps the whole twenty-four hours.
Joining the KAR Team is an easy process:
- Email Ferdi Hintze at fhintze2000@yahoo.com with your t-shirt size and what time you would like to walk or run.
- Register Online By Clicking Here Then Clicking “Join Our Team”
- Begin fundraising!
It is important to note that you do NOT have to stay for the entire relay. Participate at any level you like. ANY support you give to the relay and the fight against cancer is greatly appreciated.
If you are unable to participate in the relay but would like to help, please click the registration link above then click “Donate to Our Team.”
If you have any questions, please contact Ferdi Hintze at fhintze2000@yahoo.com or 269-388-3433.