*** The 2020 Annual Banquet has been postponed – date TBA***
Kalamazoo Area Runners Annual Membership Banquet
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
6:30 PM at the Fetzer Center, WMU
Guest Arrival and Check in from 6:15-6:30 PM
Guest Speaker, Michigan Runner Man – Josh Sanders

The 2020 Annual Banquet and Membership Meeting will be held Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 6:30pm at Fetzer Center at WMU (registration and check in from 6:15 – 6:30pm). The evening’s events will be presented in two parts. Part I will begin with dinner provided by Fetzer Center Catering at 6:30pm and a presentation by our special guest speaker, Josh Sanders
Josh Sanders is an ultra-runner, mountain climber and adventure athlete. In 2019 he won an ultra-marathon in each calendar season and doubled the previous record for most FKT’s (speed records on trails) broken in a single year with 12. He holds the record for most 14,000′ peaks climbed in a single day and was the first to ever climb Mt. Rainier and Mt. Hood in the same day. His passion to help others achieve records led to breaking “adventure running records” with groups such as most countries run in a day (13), most national parks run in a day (7) and running a 5k in all 50 states faster than anyone has ever visited all the states.
There is a charge ($20 KAR Member Adult/$25 Non-KAR Member Adult/$10 Children age 3-10) for dinner and the presentation.
Part II will begin at 7:40pm and will include our Runner Recognition Awards, Volunteer Awards, Annual Business Meeting and Election, and Door Prize Drawing. Part II attendance only is FREE of charge.
Please note that we’ll have a cash bar available this year!
Pre-registration is required and closes at 5:00pm, Friday, March 8, 2019.
Below is the evening’s itinerary:
6:15 – 6:30 Guest Arrival and Check in
6:30 – 7:30 Part I: Dinner and Special Guest Speaker
7:30 – 7:40 10 minute break, Part II arrivals
7:40 – 8:40 Part II: Awards, Business Meeting and Election, Door Prizes
Email Bryan McLeod at bryan.mcleod@kalamazooarearunners.org with questions.