Register for the Summer Sizzler Member Reception Run
Thursday, June 6, 2019
6 p.m. at Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center
6225 North 39th Street, Augusta, MI 49012
(Check-in and Late Registration 5:30 – 6:00 pm)
Cost: Free of Charge
Attention prospective members, new members and long-time members:
Join us for an evening of summer fun to run with and meet other members.
The Kalamazoo Area Runners Summer Sizzler Member Reception Trail Run is Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 6 p.m. at the Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center.
This is a casual fun trail run on a 1.6 mile loop through he woods of the Sherman Lake YMCA. Enjoy one or two loops over rolling terrain on this open trail – no prior trail running experience necessary. We will have the opportunity to tour the Recreation Center prior to our run. Refreshments and door prizes immediately following.
Register online or download and print the hard copy registration form.