2013 YMCA Healthy Kids Day Run
Friday, May 17, 2013
Check in and late registration 4:30 – 5:30pm
Running events begin at 6:00pm
Portage West Middle School
7145 Moorsbridge Road, Portage
To register online, visit YMCA Healthy Kids Day Run Online Registration
It’s far more than a race; it’s an evening of family fun! Kalamazoo Area Runners is a proud sponsor and member of the organizing committee of the YMCA Healthy Kids Day run scheduled Friday, May 17, 2013 @6:00 pm at Portage West Middle School. Preschool age children age 4 and under will participate in a in a short tot run while children ages four through twelve participate in a one mile fun run. Festivities will include an obstacle course and other family fun activities, t-shirts, post-run refreshments and more. Cost is $10 for the one mile run/$5 for the tot run (no shirt). Must register by May 13 to guarantee t-shirt. Participants can register by mail, phone (269.324.9622), online or in person at the Portage YMCA branch. Race day registration is $15.
For questions regarding the event, contact Don Seibert at daseib@kzooymca.org.
Volunteers for the 2013 YMCA Healthy Kids Day Run receive a volunteer t-shirt, earn 10 KAR points and have fun at the same time. Contact Robin Carpenter at robin.carpenter@kalamazooarearunners.org if you can assist with the following opportunities:
- Expo table (including set-up & tear down) 4:00 – 7:30 (2 – volunteers)
- Aid Station Volunteers (including set up & tear down 5:00 – 7:00pm (2 – 4 volunteers)
- Set up finish line: 5:00- 6:00pm (2-4 Volunteers)
- Rabbits to run with and encourage the children: 6:00 -7:00 pm (3 waves) (6 Volunteers)
- 5-6 Year Olds (2 volunteers)
- 7-8-9 Year Olds (2 volunteers)
- 10-11-12 Year Olds (2 volunteers)
- Starting Line Staging (crowd control/sign bearer) 5:45 – 6:30 pm (3 Volunteers)
- Finish Line Ribbon Distribution and Triage (cheering, encouraging, greeting and guiding runners through the finish) 6:00 – 7:00 pm (4 – 8 volunteers)
- Tear down start/finish line – immediately following event until about 7:30 pm (2-4 Volunteers)